Art@Site Evgeny Chubarov Victims of Soviet-Era Prison Camps

Evgeny Chubarov


Victims of Soviet-Era Prison Camps

Art Muzeon Sculpture Park
Monument to Victims of Soviet-Era Prison Camps by Evgeny Chubarov at Art Muzeon Sculpture Park.
The Muzeon Art Park was established in 1991 in the park on Krymskaya Naberezhnaya behind the State Tretyakov Gallery at Krymsky Val.
The park has many sculptures but is most famous for the Soviet-era statues which were moved here after the fall of the USSR: statues of Lenin, Stalin, Dzerzhinsky and other revolutionaries and high-ranking communists.
The statue of Stalin here, which is now missing a nose, is a scaled-down model of the giant statue which once stood in Dubna on the Moscow Canal.
In 1998 a monument featuring faces carved in stone was placed around the statue in memory of victims of the dictator's regime. The statue of Dzerzhinsky once stood on the square outside Lubyanka and the statue of Gorky was once outside Belorussky Railway Station.
One of the most famous sculpture is the 15-ton iron monument of Felix Dzerzhinsky that formerly dominated the Lubyanka Square near the KGB headquarters.
Muscovite gave this monument the name 'Iron Felix' because Dzerzhinsky was the first director of the All-Russia Extraordinary Commission to Combat Counter-revolution and Sabotage – the future KGB. In August, 1991 the world saw on TV footage the Russian people crowded Lubyanka Square and the memorial to Dzerzhinsky that was toppled by a cheering crowd with the help of a crane. Demolition of this monument became a symbol of the revolution in modern Russia.
This Park was established after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, in 1992. This place was chosen by Moscow government to bring major Soviet monuments from all over Moscow city. It was decided not to destroy our Soviet past but to preserve it. And many sculptures of Soviet Moscow that were built to glorify Soviet Empire turned up to be placed there in the Sculpture Park.