Art@Site Gio’ Pomodoro Dimensione Esterna

Gio’ Pomodoro


Dimensione Esterna

Politecnico, Campus
Il 29 novembre l’unità tra architettura e scultura, arti pubbliche per eccellenza, è stata riaffermata attraverso la «dimensione esterna» della scultura di un maestro contemporaneo. Alla presenza delle massime autorità dell’istituzione universitaria ma anche dell’assessore all’ Urbanistica del Comune, Ada Lucia De Cesaris, si è inaugurata l’installazione all’interno del campus Bovisa di 22 opere di Gio’ Pomodoro (Orciano di Pesaro 1930 - Milano 2002): venti sculture e due dipinti provenienti dalla collezione dell’artista, affidate al Politecnico in comodato d’uso dal Comitato fondato per studiarne e tutelarne l’opera. Le sculture accompagneranno la vita di studenti, docenti e visitatori: collocate in aule, scale, cortili, terrazze, il rapporto che esse stabiliscono con l’architettura, e con il flusso continuo degli utilizzatori degli edifici, è intenso, a volte stridente, ma mai gerarchico o retorico. Al di fuori del bozzolo del museo, le opere si scontrano, è vero, con l’esiguità di alcuni spazi, e con le contraddizioni della normativa e i totem della sicurezza: così che, ad esempio, raramente è possibile girare loro intorno.

On 29 November the unity between architecture and sculpture, public art par excellence, has been reaffirmed through the ' external dimension ' of sculpture by a contemporary master. The presence of the highest authority of the institution but also of Urban Councilor Ada municipality, Lucia De Cesaris, has inaugurated the installation within the Bovisa campus of 22 Gio ' tomatoes (Orciano di Pesaro-Milan 1930 2002): twenty sculptures and two paintings from the artist's collection, entrusted to the Politecnico in loan for use by the Committee established to study and protect the work. The sculptures will accompany the lives of students, faculty, and visitors: placed in classrooms, stairs, courtyards, terraces, the relationship they establish with architecture, and with the continuous flow of users of buildings, is intense, sometimes jarring, but never rhetorical or hierarchical. Outside the cocoon of the Museum, the works collide, it is true, with some small spaces, and with the contradictions in legislation and the Totems of safety: so that, for example, it is rarely possible to turn them around.
Giò Pomodoro (1930-2002) was an Italian sculptor, printmaker, and stage designer. In 1954 he moved to Milan, where he associated with leading avant-garde artists and started making jewelry. He then began to produce reverse reliefs in clay and also formed assemblages of various materials, including wood, textiles, and plaster subsequently cast in metal.
During the 1960s, he developed several series of sculptures, which explored a range of abstract shapes, usually with smooth undulating surfaces. In his later career, Pomodoro regularly received public commissions and produced a number of large outdoor structures.
His brother is the sculptor Arnaldo Pomodoro.