New York Art@Site Phillip Grausman Leucantha

Phillip Grausman



Pratt Institute Library
No contact
Leucantha by Philip Grausman is a bust that is higher than humansize, made of white natural stone, has a face that is looking seriously.
The woman is not extraordinarily beautiful with her triangular face, high cheekbones and wide eyes. Her face is standing on a particularly long muscular neck.
The picture has a clear message but doesn’t tell it immediately; it remains mysterious. Let me try to find the message by comparing it with other artworks, see below.

Geen contact
Leucantha van Philip Grausman is een buste dat meer dan menshoog is, van wit natuursteen is, een gezicht heeft dat ernstig voor zich uitkijkt.
De vrouw is niet bijzonder knap met haar driehoekige gezicht, hoge jukbeenderen en grote ogen. Haar gezicht staat gedraaid op een bijzonder lange gespierde hals.
Het beeld heeft een duidelijke boodschap maar geeft dit niet prijs; het blijft geheimzinnig. Laat ik dit onderzoeken door het te vergelijken met andere kunstwerken, zie onderstaand.

Comparison with other artworks
Echo by Plaume Plensa (figure 1, more information) is a white natural stone picture but is not mysterious. Echo by Jaume Plensa is a beautiful artwork of a girl who is sleeping. You hear almost her silence and almost feels the warmth of her face.

Francois Galaup by Ante Dabro (figure 2, more information) is a strong woman but is also not mysterious. She looks focused also. Her angular shapes, her uniform with epaulets, her looking down and her detachment give her dominance.

Tindaro by Igor Mitoraj (figure 3, more information) is meant to be a strong personality but it’s certainly not mysterious. The straight lined nose and angular lines around his eyes make the artwork one dimensional. The mouth and eye stay neutral and don't say much.

Prophete by Louis Derbre (figure 4, more information) comes near Leucantha; this man is focused. This artwork is not mysterious because this man is in meditation, this is a golden wise hyman, this human does not need matter, this human has enough with thoughts only.

After comparing the artworks, we have found the crucial point. The message of Leucantha by Philip Grausman is that human need contact. As long as a human shows no emotions, has no clear role, has no clear character this human is mysterious and elusive.
Leucantha by Philip Grausman is a masterpiece and intrigues. I will keep on looking at this artwork because I want to make contact. And to me, this is the most essential human trait.
By Theo,

Vergelijking met andere kunstwerken
Echo van Plaume Plensa (afbeelding 1, meer informatie) is een wit natuursteen beeld maar is niet geheimzinnig. Echo van Jaume Plensa is een wonderschoon beeld van een meisje dat slaapt. Je hoort bijna haar stilte en voelt bijna de warme van haar gezicht.

Francois Galaup van Ante Dabro (afbeelding 2, meer informatie) is een sterke vrouw maar is niet geheimzinnig. Ook zij kijkt geconcentreerd voor zich uit. Haar hoekige vormen, haar uniform met epauletten, haar neerwaarts kijken en haar afstandelijkheid geven haar dominantie.

Tindaro by Igor Mitoraj (afbeelding 3, meer informatie) is bedoeld als een sterke persoonlijkheid maar is zeker niet geheimzinnig. De rechte neus en de hoekige lijnen rond zijn ogen maken het beeld ééndimensionaal. De mond en de oogkassen zijn neutraal en zeggen niet veel.

Prophete van Louis Derbre (afbeelding 4, meer informate) komt het dichtste bij Leucantha; deze mens is geconcentreerd. Dit beeld is niet geheimzinnig omdat deze mens mediteert, dit is een wijs mens, deze mens heeft geen materie nodig, deze mens heeft genoeg aan gedachten.

Na vergelijking van de kunstwerken hebben we de clou gevonden. De boodschap van Leucantha van Philip Grausman is dat de mens behoefte heeft aan contact. Zo lang een mens geen emoties toont, geen duidelijke rol vervult, geen duidelijk karakter toont is de mens geheimzinnig en ongrijpbaar.
Leucantha van Philip Grausman is een meesterwerk en intrigeert. Ik blijf naar dit kunstwerk kijken omdat ik contact wil maken. En dit is volgens mij de meest essentiële menselijke eigenschap.
Door Theo,
What a wonderful sculpture park my husband discovered on the campus of Pratt Institute in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn. This twenty-five acre college campus, with approximately fifty sculptures being shown at any given time, is open to the public year round with no charge for admission.
The Pratt Institute Sculpture Park came to fruition under the guidance of curator David Weintraub, in conjunction with the Institute’s president, Thomas F. Schutte, in 2002.
Imagine my astonishment when, while strolling the grounds, I came upon Philip Grausman’s magnificent portrait sculpture of Leucantha. The work was dramatically placed on the lawn outside the library of the campus.
It was difficult at a glance to detect any difference between the Leucantha at Grounds For Sculpture and the portrait at the Pratt. This might be because at GFS the work is placed in the water in front of Rat’s, which keeps viewers at a distance from the artwork. If you will allow me to be a bit possessive in this writing, 'our' Leucantha is made of cast aluminum, giving the portrait a silky complexion. The sculpture of Leucantha at Pratt Institute is of white fiberglass which has been described as having 'the glow of marble'.
Philip Grausman (born July 16, 1935) is an American sculptor who continues to push the limits of the time-honored portrait in art. His early work focused on natural forms representing buds and seeds, and this exploration led him to the underlying structure and form of the human head. His monumental heads of fiberglass display a subtle hand, and the lack of detail makes a stunning presentation. He also continues to create reductivist portraits at normal scale, experimenting with various metals with matte finishes to accomplish his vision.
Grausman has received numerous awards, including the Rome Prize in Sculpture, a Ford Foundation Purchase Award, and grants from the National Institute of Arts and Letters and The Louis Comfort Tiffany Foundation among others. His many solo and group exhibitions of sculpture and drawings have been displayed throughout the U.S.
Philip Grausman has risen to become one of the most well-acclaimed portrait sculptors of his time. Grausman's portraits take on a realistic nature, giving life and personality to his figures. Large-scale Leucantha stands tall with a stoic persona. Grausman's fine workmanship and choice of material, cast aluminum, gives Leucantha a silky complexion making her seem ageless--belonging to no specific period of time. The female head is carried gracefully on a muscled neck imparting inner strength and self-assuredness.